PAUL STANLEY - KISS Is A Facet Of Who I Am, But It's Not All Of It"

December 1, 2006, 17 years ago

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KISS' PAUL STANLEY was recently interviewed by about a number of topics including his new solo effort, Live To Win. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

LiveDaily: This is your first solo record in nearly three decades. Does the material span that time period?

Paul Stanley: "Everything I wrote on this album was written for the album. I've never believed in recording old material, it's kind of like giving people old news, you know? I've always believed that, when you give somebody an album, it should be like a fresh newspaper, where you get ink on your fingers. It's today's news. So, for me, it's where I'm at now, things in my life, my perspective on my music as an individual."

LiveDaily: Judging from a lot of the songs, it sounds like it was literally a labor of love, as well.

Paul Stanley: "Well, you know, live and learn! [Laughing] I sing about what I know, what I experience. I try not to get too introspective and deep, but I think most of the things I sing about have always been fairly universal. Without making any effort, what I wanted to do on this album was purely sing about my life. My life is not that different than anybody else's. When you cut away all the trappings on the outside, life is life and it's ultimately what you make of it."

LiveDaily: There seems to come a point in everyone's life where they strive to get back to the basics. Does this album reflect that?

Paul Stanley: "Of course. In spite of all the folly of fashion, we ultimately find ourselves wearing our old blue jeans. What is there in life, and what is the core of life? It's relationships. Whether they're sexual, emotional, whatever the category, relationships are what make this world go 'round, and it's also what I think is most rewarding in life, the product of relationships."

LiveDaily: With the overblown largeness of KISS, and the "Star Child" character, does it feel good to be able to express yourself outside those parameters?

Paul Stanley: "Well, KISS is a facet of who I am, but it's not all of it. There is undoubtedly more freedom in doing something under my name and without either the politics or the dynamics and personalities of a band."

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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