HENNING PAULY's Punk Project THE ANTHOLOGIES Issue 'Gynocological Santa Claus' Audio Sample

December 8, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news henning pauly the anthologies

As previously reported, FRAMESHIFT creator Henning Pauly has a punk project called THE ANTHOLOGIES. An audio sample of their Christmas song 'Gynocological Santa Claus' is now available at the band's official MySpace page. A snippet of the song can be found here.

The songs 'Beer Beer Beer', 'Big Girl Disorder' and 'Fuckheads From Connecticut' are also available for streaming on the MySpace page. More audio samples are available here.

The following explanation of the project was issued several months ago:

"This album from The Anthologies will take you through the ups and downs of the band from the early days in the garage (yes, you will hear previously unreleased tracks...they sound raw and not very produced but capture the essence of the band in their early days) up until their just recently released album which has been produced in the best studios the wolrd has to offer without any expenses spared. Throughout all of this The Anthologies never lose their their feel for songwriting and rebellious power. The booklet will lend you an insight into the bands history and allow you a backstage look at some of their proud and not so proud moments. The DVD which is also being produced at the moment will accompany the making of this album and feature interviews with all three band members."

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