UFO Drummer Andy Parker Checks In

December 11, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard ufo

UFO drummer Andy Parker has issued the following update:

"I'm now back home in Texas where it is a glorious 70 degrees and sunny. To all you poor blighters freezing your butts off back in Europe, you have my sympathy. I certainly don't mean to rub your noses in it, but as I spent a good half of the tour battling the "Pete Way Toxic Flu", it feels good to be somewhere warm again!

Anyway I'm well on the mend and wanted to take this opportunity to tell you all just how much I enjoyed the tour. As most of you know I haven't toured with UFO (apart from some festivals during the summer) since 1993, and I haven't toured the UK with them since 1983, so this was really special.

First off I have to tell you that it feels absolutely fantastic to be back in the band again. I truly believe we are sounding better than ever, and judging by the receptions we've been getting, it would appear that you agree. I've said it before and I'll say it again 'UFO fans are the best fans in the world.' YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!

I want to thank you all for making the tour so successful. I know some of you traveled great distances to see us and we really appreciate the effort. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces in the audience, and after the shows. I feel like I have grown up with many of you. It was also great to see so many of your kids at the shows. It's like a whole new generation of UFO fans. It totally blows me away!

Thank you for all your positive comments in the guest book. Keep them coming, and thank you ALL for making me feel so welcome in my return. To those of you who have been asking about Chapman era material in the set, all I can say is don't give up hope, you may still get your wish. There are plans for us to tour Russia, Scandinavia, North Germany and hopefully Scotland in March 2007 so I hope to see some of you then.

All that remains is for me to thank you once again from all us and to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas. See you in the New Year."

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