IRON MAIDEN Drummer Nicko McBrain - "Paris, Paris, Paris - What A ‘Kin Night I Can Tell You!"

December 11, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news iron maiden

IRON MAIDEN drummer Nicko McBrain has issued the following road report from his hotel room in Barcelona, Spain

(dated November 30, 2006):

"Paris, Paris, Paris. WOW what a ‘kin night I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!! We ‘Kin rocked the house down!!

We arrived into Paris from Holland at 2pm and were at the hotel checked in by 3:30pm. I had a nice cup of coffee and waited for Jim and the gang to arrive. Jim, Steve, Sue, Ellie and John arrived at 4:45pm. After a couple of drinks at the hotel we decided to go over to the venue and eat there. I phoned Dickie Bell to get the menu for this evening. Most of my guests had the Lamb Curry with Jim having a bowl of tomato soup followed by a cheese omelet. I decided not to have a meal as it was to close to show time for me to eat. Jim and the gang enjoyed their food and so a big thank you to our chefs on tour. ‘Eat to the Beat’ you rule!!!!!!!!!

After their meal I had me old china, Patrick Hegan, escort the party out to the sound desk. I got changed and went to meet with some of our EMI record friends. Said hello and made me way to my warm up room, only I was beaten to the punch by H, he got there first and I missed my little bash. Oh Well, not to worry.

We hit the stage at 9: 05pm and proceeded to blow the roof off of the sold out Bercy arena. There were over 16,000 billies in there all having the best time. The new album went over really well and as you would expect so did the older tunes.

After the show I met with Jim and the gang and we had a wee drink in the band lounge. I was really happy to see me old china VeeVee from TRUST - he had arrived after we went on stage. With him was another old chum, Farid, he plays drums with VeeVee. They were rehearsing that afternoon for a handful of shows that they will be playing later in December. I was very happy to see both of them. I also got to meet David, VeeVee’s son. What a nice guy he was. After a while we left to go back to the hotel. When we arrived we found that the bar had already closed so we all decided to have an early night. Said goodnight to everyone and headed to me bed.

Got up and had breakfast with Ellie, John, Steve and Sue, Jim was having a cigar for breakfast and so didn’t join us in the restaurant. After breakfast, we sat in the foyer and had a chat. It was getting close to leaving time so I went up to me room and got me bits and pieces together. Went back downstairs and said me farewells to everyone. Checked out and went to the hotel just down the road to meet with the rest of the band. I like to stay at the Warwick hotel in Paris and the rest of the boys prefer a different hotel.

We made our way to airport and boarded the plane to fly to Barcelona. It was a flight of a little over 1:40 minutes.

When we arrived, Minnie and myself along with Ena and Davy went to the local Tapas and beer bar. On the way there we met, Squidword, he works with, Gonzo, our monitor guy and he joined us for a few bevvies. We had a nice spot of the old nose bag and a half dozen or so beers. Amadeus, the owner of the Cerveceria was there and we had a nice chat and he took care of a round for us. After awhile we headed back down the ‘Ramblas’ for a stroll. We ended up meeting with Dickie Bell and so we went for a couple of beers at a bar near the Barcelona Cathedral.

I had arranged for us to have a nice dinner at a restaurant called Monchos El Tinglado for 8pm. The restaurant is situated on the Place Olympic. We always try to visit this fine eatery every time we are in Barcelona. At the dinner were Geezer, Harry, Lauren, H, Steve Altman and I. We were joined a little later by Johnny Burke, Richey and Randy all from Lauren’s band. We had a great time and after our meal we headed back to the hotel. When we arrived Geezer and I hit the hotel bar. Very nice evening was had I can tell you!!!!!!!

Well, I’m off now. I’m going to have a wee siesta before our show tonight. We’re playing at the ‘Palau St Jordi’ here in Barcelona."


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