SCULPTURED - Drum Tracks Completed For Upcoming Album

December 12, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news sculptured

SCULPTURED’s Don Anderson has provided the following update on the band’s forthcoming third album, titled Embodiment, due out sometime in 2007 via The End.

Posts Anderson, “I have received the completed drum tracks and have had a chance to listen to them alongside the guitar demos. The results are incredible. Dave’s (Murray - ESTRADASPHERE, The Deserts Of Traun) drumming style has made me see my music in a whole new light. I may revise some things to better complement his drumming. I have enjoyed the unpredictability of having no idea what Dave was doing to my demos down in LA. Once I got the drums I had many wonderful surprises and I can’t wait to begin rehearsing with the tracks before entering the studio soon to begin tracking the guitars. Below is an update from Dave himself. Although I agree with everything he says below, I have to admit that the drums are all around very complex with polyrhythms, intricate double bass work, and very creative cymbal and tom patters. I really couldn’t be happier. Thanks to Dave for all his creative and brilliant work!"

Says Dave Murray, "The session was recorded by Paul McKee (co producer and engineer of The Deserts Of Traun Part III The Lilac Moon) at Sad Girl Music in sunny Los Angeles. I flew down to LA with my whole kit and a carry on with having to pay for only one extra bag! I am actually very excited about the way the drum parts ended up creatively. The jazz/fusion/metal whatever style of drumming is not nearly an established art and because I did no pre-recordings, or sampled my ideas with a drum machine, I did not know how things would feel once I heard it all back with the guitars. For instance (and this may come as a disappointment to many) there are not that many double bass parts (but there are some), or blast or skank beats. Instead I tired to compose with an open mind how many different ways I could approach chuga chuga chuga 16th notes. So throughout the record there is a good balance of fusion playing mixed with metal, and a good bit of just fusion playing and just metal.

Don’s guitar riffs are really cool, somewhat modest and catchy reminiscent of DEATH and could have been treated a number of ways. I think having treated his riffs with this type of drumming is comparable (although I’d never equivocate us) with how Death went from Leprosy (I think) to Human. The element of improvisational flow and jazz fusion experimentation made what was somewhat 2 dimensional become more interesting as a whole. Conversely this may not be heavy enough for the real muscle metal fans out there though. As well, I reminded myself that the 90s are over and that whenever I hear the Atheist Unquestionable Presence album, I always think that the drums are just too busy. To remedy the busyness I added many parts that just lay back and groove and remind me at times of IN FLAMES or METALLICA.

Paul and I decided to take the recording process to an extreme as well and create 2 alternate kits. I recorded a part in the marble hallway leading up to the studio with a 24” bass drum and an 18” china boy hihat. It sounds BIG. The other kit was a jungle kit made of 8” splash hats, a WuHan cymbal and a 10” splash taped to a snare. All in all I think the record is going to be very interesting well balanced eclectic metal and I can’t wait to hear the finished product. Thanks to Don for writing such cool stuff and being open to new approaches to metal.”

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