IMMOLATION's Ross Dolan: "The New Stuff Is More Extreme In A Lot Of Ways"

December 27, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news immolation has issued an interview with IMMOLATION bassist/vocalist Ross Dolan, conducted by Kevin Page. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You're in the recording studio as we speak. How's that been going?

A: "Great. We came up here the week before Thanksgiving, we did about 16 days of basic tracks and finished that up last Sunday. Then we had to leave to go do the Arnhem Metal Meeting this past weekend in Holland. We did some press stuff for Listenable Records in Europe and a video shoot over in Paris in some underground old quarry. We just came back to the studio two days ago to start mixing. We have seven songs done. We'll probably be completely finished this weekend (December 14th - 15th). We have thirteen new songs. Ten will be on the full length due out in April and three will be on an EP that will probably only come out in Europe through Listenable Records, a month earlier. The EP will also have a DVD which will be a live show we filmed in April at BB Kings in New York this year. Right after that we start touring Europe in May for five weeks with KRISUN, ABORTED and one other unnamed band. We'll probably start the US trek in fall '07."

Q: What song did you shoot the video for?

A: "The song is called 'World Agony'. It will be on the full length, not the EP. It's a cool song, very musical, very extreme, very heavy, very militant sounding. It has a very cool ending, cool guitar overlays. It has pretty much all the elements of the band rolled up into one. For anyone not familiar with the band or not really into this type of music, but still into heavy stuff, if they hear this song, it might be something that they want to pursue looking into, which is what you want to do with a video track. It's going to be in front of alot more people than you normally would playing at a death metal show, so the point is to get something out there that might appeal to people with other tastes. Definitely not a light song, don't misinterupt that (laughs). It's a very dark, heavy, full on Immolation song but it has alot of cool elements that people will dig, that's why we chose it. The new stuff (in general) is more extreme in alot of ways. It's much more tense and angry than the last couple of records. But it also has the typical Immolation elements you'd find on the other albums. It's more refined, straight forward and fine tuned, it's definitely going to be a good one. I know you probably hear that every time you interview bands (laughs)."

See the full interview here.

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