DARK TRANQUILLITY Guitarist Niklas Sundin: "It's Hard To Be Objective About Our Own Work"

December 27, 2006, 17 years ago

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Metal Israel (www.metalisrael.com) has issued an interview with DARK TRANQUILLITY guitarist Niklas Sundin, conducted by Skazm. The following is an excerpt:

Q: What direction have you taken with the new album? From the YouTube preview it seems awesome. What are we in for?

A: "As a whole, it’s more diverse and features bigger variation between the songs than - for example - Character, but there’s no point in elaborating too much as you all can hear it pretty soon. Also, it’s hard be objective about our own work; once a recording is finished you’re usually so fed up with the songs that you don’t want to think of them, let alone try to describe how they sound. I’m not sure if all the songs you can hear on the YouTube preview will actually be featured on the album or if they’ll be saved for B-sides."

See the full interview at this location.

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