THE PROJECT HATE - Rhythm Guitars "Nailed" For Upcoming 5th Album

December 29, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news the project hate

Sweden's THE PROJECT HATE, featuring guitarist Lord K. Philipson (GOD AMONG INSECTS, ex-LEUKEMIA), Jörgen Sandström (ex-ENTOMBED, GRAVE), bassist Michael Håkansson (EVERGREY), guitarist Petter S. Freed (2 TON PREDATOR) and singer Jonna Enckell (IGNORANCE BLISS), have checked in with the following update:

"It's been a month since the last update here at the site, that doesn't mean we aren't doing shit, we are actually doing alot. The Hate activities have just been covered up close at our Forums instead of here. We suggest you browse them for all relevant information you might wanna know when it comes to the new album.

Anyways, here's a short rundown:

1. All the rhythm guitars are nailed for the coming 5th album, and have been so for a little while. What we are doing now is just adding plenty of details, solos and all that fun shit needed to make this piece perfect.

2. Talks with record labels are ongoing but nothing is settled yet as far as signing anything goes. We are taking our time and are still open to suggestions as we are going to take our time with this recording.

3. We plan to have this whole disc recorded and completed sometime in March/April. There is a reason for this time spended and hopefully we can announce why soon. If everything goes as we want them to, it's something to look forward to. Keep yer fingers crossed.

4. The album title, song titles and front cover are completed since quite some time back. We'll hand it all out as soon as we feel like it. Which might be a while.

5. It's 7 songs clocking in over an hour of the best music we ever wrote.

666. We have no 666th point but we kinda like this number.

Stay tuned here for all the info as we go along but remember that the Forums is where we announce all the latest things. You don't need to register to be able to read the crap but if you wanna post something, registration is needed.

Happy Hateful New Year and all that crap.

The Hate, December 29th, 2006."

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