THE PANIC CHANNEL Guitarist DAVE NAVARRO Issues New Year's Eve Update, Announces Three Off-Date Club Shows For SUPERNOVA Tour

January 2, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news supernova the panic channel dave navarro

THE PANIC CHANNEL / CAMP FREDDY guitarist Dave Navarro has issued the following update:

"New Year's Eve was a lot of fun in Vegas this year. I stopped by Carson's NYE Show from Vegas where I was witness to the first ever public SUPERNOVA performance. Those guys killed it live from Freemont Street and looked, sounded and performed really well. It was exciting to see as The Panic Channel are about to go on tour with them for a couple months. Since I had my own party to host at Tangerine, I wasn't able to catch their NYE show at The Joint, so I was happy to see them playing when I showed up for a quick interview about the night's festivities. I then went over to my party where I got to countdown the New Year with Grandmaster Flash, a long time hero of mine. After that, I headed over to Pure to join my friend Shannon Elizabeth and her poker pro friends for a little late night hang time.

(To be filed under: Whatever!) Evidently, Britney passed out at the club after the countdown. The press seems to be making a big deal out this. Come on now, it was fucking New Year's Eve! I saw people passed out all over town that night. Not that I am some big champion of Britney's, but if a girl can't drink herself into oblivion on New Year's Eve, then when can she? One thing I have noticed in 2006 is that the celeb trash gossip stuff has just gotten WAY out of control. With the advent of digital cameras, cell phone technology, gossip blogs and paparazzi everywhere, the days of any kind of personal time or mystique for big name entertainers are long gone. If you think about it, if you followed 'anyone' around for long enough, you could put together some kind of scandalous story or find moments when they don't look perfect. Whatever... None of it lasts for very long anyway. Britney issued a statement saying she was tired and falling asleep and not drunk. That may be the truth, but if it were me, even if I was just tired, I'd say... 'Hell yeah!!!!! I was hammered! It was New Year's Eve for Christ's sake! Ya'all can eat a dick! Ya herd?'

Here are some of the possible upcoming tour dates with Supernova. Some of them are subject to change. I will keep you updated here and at The Panic Channel site."

As previously reported, The Panic Channel will be doing some off-date club shows during the Supernova tour. The following three shows have been confirmed, with more due to be announced soon:


20 - Sonar in Baltimore, MD


2 - Mr. Smalls Theater in Pittsburgh, PA
6 - Eagles Ballroom in Milwaukee, WI

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