Ex-CRADLE OF FILTH Drummer ADRIAN ERLANDSSON Joins STRAPPING YOUNG LAD Guitarist's TENET Project, SACRIFICE Vocalist To Make Guest Appearance

January 2, 2007, 17 years ago

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STRAPPING YOUNG LAD guitarist Jed Simon has issued the following update on his highly anticipated TENET project:

"Hey All,

It's announcement time! There are some new faces in the Tenet camp. It's my pleasure to introduce them.

I welcome to the fold Adrian Erlandsson on drums. Adrian, as many of you may know, had spent the last seven years with Cradle of Filth. Previous to that he was on the first HAUNTED album The Haunted...fuck I love that album, and of course he played in the mighty, legendary, AT THE GATES. Adrian brings an enthusiasm to the table that is infectious. I respect his talent greatly, and after hearing what he has done with some of the demo tracks, I'm beyond excited. Perhaps we'll put some of the demo stuff up with him playing soon, although I may just save it for the album, hehe.

Of course you are now wondering why Gene is not playing. I felt that after 10+ years in 'The Lad' it was time for a fresh start. And to be honest, I really needed to just 'step away' for a bit, and do something completely on my own. None of this reflects on my and Gene's relationship as friends...we will always be thick as thieves. Silly, pranking, metal-loving thieves. He IS my brother for life, as are the other SYL cats. That's about the best way I can explain it without getting too long winded. Ok? OK!

On lead guitar I am very pleased to announce that Glen Alvelais will be doing the honors. Y'all know Glen from FORBIDDEN, TESTAMENT, and currently LD-50. This guy is simply one of the BEST guitarists I have ever heard. I remember when SYL did the Testament tour back in 97, and every night I'd just stand there with my jaw on the floor watching this guy play. I'm really stoked to have him on board.

As for vocals, many of you are reading that Rob Urbinati from Canadian thrash legends SACRIFICE would be singing. This is partly true. Truth be told, I'm gonna give it a shot on vocals. I have to try, cuz this is all coming off of my sleeve ya know? Rob will be singing, we're just not sure in what capacity yet. Stay tuned. Rob's voice is so good that it would be a shame for him not to appear, so don't worry...you'll hear Rob's 'Homicidal Breath' somewhere...

Well, that's alot of news for one evening, so I am signing out."


To hear Tenet demo tracks go to this location.

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