BLAZE - Frontman BLAZE BAYLEY Comments On Split With Band Members

January 7, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news blaze bayley blaze

As reported yesterday, (now former) BLAZE members Oliver Palotai (guitar), Luca Princiotta (guitar), Daniel Schild (drums) and Christian Ammann (bass) have parted ways with frontman Blaze Bayley. Their official statement can be found here. Bayley, meanwhile, has issued the following update:

"Dear friends and fans.

Some of you may be worried about rumours that I am dead. I am not dead.Some of you may have heard that BLAZE the band is finished. It is just beginning.

There are inevitable changes in life. We have all been subjected to and endured changes that we didn't want but most of us know that without change there cannot be growth. For things to grow they need strong roots to keep them in the ground so that when the big storms of life come they can survive and are not taken by the wind. A tall building must have a strong foundations so it can stand and be unaffected by the changing seasons of this world, so it is with everything and so it is with my band.

My roots have been metal music. My foundations have been the loyal fans and friends and family that have stood by me and made me keep believing in the dream I started with, no man could ask for better support.

I will see some of you in Poland at the Metalmania Festival on 24th March. There I will be with the greatest Blaze band ever, there I will play the greatest show of my life. All is written."


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