Report: Hammersmith Palais Faced With Demoliton; Legendary Venue Played Host To MOTÖRHEAD And Many Others

January 12, 2007, 17 years ago

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Q4Music has issued the following report:

Legendary London venue the Hammersmith Palais is to be knocked down and replaced with office blocks, according to the group of people campaigning to have the building listed.

Since it opened as a jazz club in 1919, the Palais has hosted bands from MOTÖRHEAD to THE CLASH, and a group are campaigning to have it awarded listed-status because of its importance to music.

One of the supporters told CMU yesterday, "I don't need to tell you the significance of this building in terms of music - it had a huge hand in bringing jazz to the UK in the 1920s and has hosted many a legendary performance since, from Motorhead to The Clash to Bowie. While it's not the most spectacular-looking place from the outside, the interior is grand, and it sits in the middle of a conservation area - so why is it being flattened? Its musical legacy alone should grant it listed status, and its enduring popularity with generations of music fans proves its life is very far from over".

Anyone interested in signing a petition or getting involved in the campaign should email

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