MALEVOLENT CREATION - "Doomsday X Sounds Like It's Shaping Up To Be A Sick Album!"

January 17, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news malevolent creation

Florida-based death metal legends MALEVOLENT CREATION have issued the following Doomsday X recording update:

"Dave (Culross) finished tracking the drums and arrived home this evening. They recorded 12 songs and Dave is very happy with the natural feel they achieved, without sounding overly mechanical. The ProTools at their disposal were not used to alter the drum sounds. Dave wanted to give everyone a real feel for his power and style, without the over use of recording technology. They are taking about a week break and then the guitar tracking starts. Dave and the band are very pleased with the progress so far and can't wait for the upcoming tours. We will try to give more progress updates when the guitar tracking begins... Thanks to all the people who helped bring this first hand news to and all the fans... Doomsday X sounds like it's shaping up to be a sick album!"


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