SAXON Drummer On New Album The Inner Sanctum - It Was The "Best Of Any Recording Session I've Ever Been Involved With"

January 21, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news saxon

SAXON drummer Nigel Glockler has issued the following update:

"Sorry for the lack of communication but we've been so busy getting the new album together and loads of other stuff has been going on!!

We actually started writing back in January, getting ideas together in between the Night Out With The Boys tour - after that ended, there was a long run of festivals during the summer until, finally, we were able to get in the studio to start recording the follow-up to Lionheart. This was going to be a very important album for me - not that any recording isn't - but this was the first one since re-joining the band so I went through all my parts in the minutest detail and took onboard suggestions from the other guys too - they got plenty back from me as well re guitar parts, etc., but this is how we work anyway, throwing ideas around and helping each other. It was also going to be my first time working with (producer) Charlie Bauerfeind and, I must say, it was a great experience - he really brought out the best in me - it was a true pleasure working with him! It was the first time of working with a producer who really knew about, and was into, drums. And my keyboard parts went down quick too!

Everyone worked their hearts out during the writing sessions and during the recording - I think the vibe was probably the best of any recording session I've ever been involved with - hard work but fun! - and I'd like to say thanks to the other guys for that - and Charlie and Thomas (Jensen - manager). We mustn't forget the many curries we ate! - I also took a few homemade ones up for the guys to sample - the fact that they were demolished says something I think! And I now realise that Charlie is more of a curry fiend than any of us!!!

By now, everyone knows about this Channel 4 documentary - that has certainly caused me a load of stress - the others too! Having a camera in your face for so many hours a day when you're trying to concentrate on music or just chill-out after a long day's writing is not a very pleasant thing - well I didn't think so anyway!

Biff got the brunt of it, being the singer, but we all suffered this invasion - there were fun moments too, but I have to admit I lost my cool a couple of times - ah well, we're all human!!! The secret gig at Lincoln was amazing - the audience were great but that was probably one of the hottest gigs I've ever done temperature-wise - it was an oven!!! - - the meet with the audience afterwards was very enlightening - I think we made a few new fans that night. Obviously not everyone was into it, but the majority of those we spoke to seemed to be. It was a good test for us and well worth doing.

Generally we were quite apprehensive about the whole thing at first, meaning the program as a whole, but later on we could see that Harvey and the TV crew seemed to be on our side and wanted to raise our profile in the UK. The proof of the pudding will be when it airs!

Going to the Classic Rock awards was a first for us - might just have to do it again next year! Thanks to Harvey and Scott Rowley for that.

Next on the agenda is the album playback for the press - this Friday - that's going to be interesting to see what they think - then the Air Guitar thing at Sheffield on Saturday, followed by the Sheffield gig next week. After that, it's the tour proper - I can't wait - it's going to be a long slog - I mean that in the nicest possible way!

I'm going to try and sort out doing a kind of 'On The Road' daily blog if I can get a laptop together in time.

As regards other happenings, I'm back in touch with Steve Howe - hadn't seen him since GTR days, so we had a lot to talk about. I'd been to see MOTÖRHEAD in Paris and was waiting at Gare Du Nord when Steve strolled in - brilliant to catch up. Also, John Payne and I are in touch again - his new band's Great! And check out Bernie Torme's band too!

Been a bit lax on the TV music front due to lack of spare time but I'm going to make up for that this year. Also going to sort out a MySpace site - about time!!!! Just remains for me to say - see you on the road and hope you like The Inner Sanctum."

As reported earlier today, Saxon's new single 'If I Was You' is now available for download internationally. Go to this location for an extensive list of online shops where the single is currently available.

As previously reported, Saxon are scheduled to release their latest album, The Inner Sanctum, on March 2nd in Germany March 5th in Europe and April 3rd in North America.

The Inner Sanctum will be available in a digipak with Bonus DVD or in a jewel case, including one bonus track. The tracklisting for the Limited Editon of The Inner Sanctum is as follows: 'State Of Grace', 'Need For Speed', 'Let Me Feel Your Power', 'Red Star Falling', 'I've Got To Rock (To Stay Alive)', 'Going Nowhere Fast', 'Ashes To Ashes', 'Empire Rising', 'Atila The Hun',

Content on Bonus DVD:

A Night Out With The Boys: 'To Hell And Back Again', 'A Night Out With The Boys – The Idea', 'A Night Out With The Boys – Not Really', 'See The Light Shining', 'A Night Out With The Boys – Now It Started', 'Redline',

'Suzie Hold On', 'Stand Up And Be Counted', 'Frozen Rainbow', 'Never Surrender',

More details: DVD 5; 2.0 Dolby Digital & 5.1 Audio; Duration approx. 50 min; Code free; Subtitles: German.

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