BW&BK Exclusive: PROFUGUS MORTIS Frontman Issues Diary From MOONSORROW Tour

February 4, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes bk moonsorrow bw news profugus mortis

Picture by: Yves Gagnon

Paul Ablaze, frontman for French Canadian extreme folk metal act PROFUGUS MORTIS, recently sent BW&BK; the following tour diary of the band's recent jaunt through Ontario and Quebec with Finnish bashers MOONSORROW:

"The tour was SO much fun. Every night was solid...except Sudbury; only seven people showed up (lol).

Toronto - January 15th:

"Awesome crowd,about 75 people on a Monday (which I hear is really, really good for Toronto). The Moonsorrow dudes are cool but not too much talking yet."

Sudbury - January 16th:

"Even though there was only seven (7) people they were all getting really into it. We even sold like four shirts and a few pre-orders for the record."

Montreal - January 17th:

"Biggest crowd of the whole tour by far (around 350 people) but was not my favourite show. Sound was crappy and even our intro music was playing during our first song (which made it sound 45x more crappy). To top it off, I fell off stage while I was bringing our gear on right before we played. There were stairs on the left side of the stage and there wasn't a lot of light, so when I was going down them I missed the stairs completely and fell all the way down. Of course everyone in the front row saw it."

Quebec City - January 18th / St. Hyacinthe - January 20th:

"Best show/day/night of tour. The production company 'Capital du Metal' always treat us like fucking kings when we go there. It was just us and Moonsorrow playing this night. Only 170 people showed up, which isn't bad, but the venue was way too big (same place we opened for the Lacuna Coil and Yngwie Malmsteen shows). Crowd energy was fantastic. We played really well and we had TONS of room on stage, to be rock stars and all that crap, lol. We all got hotel rooms that night, I shared with Ville of Moonsorrow. I stayed up 'til 3:00am with the Moonsorrow dudes at the bar and got wasted, got woken up at 11:15am by Ville doing an interveiw for some Finnish radio station. Hungover, I moved my ass to the hotel restaurant for a very good breakfast.

That night we were back in Montreal and we took the guys to Foufounes. We all have a good time and really started to open up and get to know one another. St. Hyacinthe was cool, about 70 people showed up. Show started at 10:00pm, again we are the only two bands playing. After the show we headed back to Montreal, drank it up and everyone went home..."

As previously reported, Profugus Mortis will release their debut album, ...So It Begins, through ProDisk on March 27th. Pre-order the album by sending a mail to

Audio samples from the album are available at the band's official MySpace page.

Watch for a full story on the band in BW&BK; #102.

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