THE ANGELIC PROCESS Set May 15th Release Date For New Album

February 22, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news the angelic process

Profound Lore Records has set May 15th as the release date with their latest signing, THE ANGELIC PROCESS, to what will be a milestone in the realm of melodic ambient drone metal, namely the band's new album Weighing Souls With Sand.

The follow-up to the re-issue of the critically acclaimed Coma Waering album last year, sees the husband and wife team of MDragynfly and K.Angylus take The Angelic Process sound to a new emotional pedigree untouched.

Formed in 2001, and hailing from the Georgia realm, The Angelic Process have been known to create some of the most mesmerizing and moving music within this specialized musical realm. Garnering already a huge response with the 2006 re-issue of their Coma Waering album (Paradigms Recordings), Profound Lore is gearing up to release this acts' latest endeavor, Weighing Souls With Sand.

Sound-wise picture the wall-of-sound through the fuzzy celestial grace of MY BLOODY VALENTINE, the tribal ritualistic pulsations of NEUROSIS, the emotional fervor and bloodletting of SWANS (The Angelic Process are coincidentally endorsed by Swans singer Jarboe), along with the powerful grace of Justin Broadrick's JESU and GODFLESH, and you’ll get a glimpse of what The Angelic Process shall offer. And then some…

Following a concept surrounding one’s journey through loss, despair, and eventually coming to realization, Weighing Souls With Sand continues the story line left off from Come Waering. As the band explain, “Coma Waering is a concept record about a man falling into a coma and eventually dying. Weighing Souls With Sand is the follow up to that concept, this time about the man's wife trying to deal with his death and failing, and eventually committing suicide.”

Tracklisting for Weighing Souls With Sand goes as follows: 'The Promise of Snakes', 'Million Year Summer', 'The Resonance of Goodbye', 'We All Die Laughing', 'Dying in A-Minor', 'Weighing Souls With Sand', 'Mouvement-World Deafening Eclipse', 'Burning in the Undertow of God', 'Mouvement-The Smoke of Her Burning'.

For more info on The Angelic Process visit the band's myspace page ( and/or their website (

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