BLINDED COLONY - Back From The Road

March 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news blinded colony

Swedish melodic death metal quintet BLINDED COLONY recently returned home after a 38 day tour with Hungarian metallers EKTOMORF and fellow Swedish rockers KAYSER.

Vocalist Johan Schuster has issued the following update:

"So we're back home from touring Europe with Ektomorf and our new friends in Kayser. It's been an awesome tour indeed with lots of great gigs, crazy fans and details too dirty to be mentioned! A day would look like this; you were woken up either by some guy with a crazy accent telling you to load in all the stuff to the venue, OR because our sheets were on fire because of the heat in our bunks! When everything had been loaded in, you ate some breakfast (white bread and cheese/ham). At this time the singers woke up, 'cos they were not allowed to load-in for some reason. Then we waited for sound check, if we got any. And in tour language "waiting" means "drinking beer/rum and coke".

After soundcheck we ate dinner (something covered in cheese). Then we played, drank more beer, met with fans and signed CDs and t-shirts. After that we loaded the stuff back to the trailor again. And drank more beer. Then we went clubbing, ducktaping our drummers to benches or went directly to the next venue."

To read the full update, head here.

The "Outcasts Over Europe 2007 Tour" took Blinded Colony, Ektomorf and Kayser across more than seven European countries and ran from February 1st until March 10th, ending at the Spring Metal Festival in Slazburg, which also featured GRAVEWORM and FLESHLESS.

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