DEATHSTARS Cancel Greek Dates

March 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news deathstars

The two previously scheduled live dates of DEATHSTARS in Greece this weekend (March 17-18 in Thessaloniki and Athens) have now been cancelled due to the injury of guitarist Cat Casino. An official statement by the band follows:

“This time we unfortunately have bad news. Today Cat Casino had an accident and has been hurt. There is though a blessing in disguise, as it seems his hand is not broken, but he does have a badly sprained wrist/hand. This now means he must take a break from playing guitar until he is back to health which should be at least in time for the forthcoming european tour.

Unfortunately this means that Cat is unable to play the upcoming Greek shows at the weekend and therefore Deathstars have been forced to cancel. We all feel very sorry about this as the band were looking forward to visiting the Greek fans. Our deepest apologies go out to all of the fans who were looking forward to these shows and also the promoters. We will be trying to reschedule the dates and will keep you updated.”

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