BOSTON - Brad Delp's Fiancé Speaks

March 25, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard boston

The following report is courtesy of Charles Winters from

Singer Brad Delp's fiancé released this statement to the Globe regarding the BOSTON frontman's suicide. Here's what Pamela Sullivan has to say:

"On Christmas Day, 2006, Brad Delp asked me to marry him. Our wedding was to be on August 18th, marking seven years together. We shared a special bond that will be with me all my life. Bradley lived a private life, and I had hoped that his death might also be private.

But Bradley - his music and his heart - touched many lives, and we all feel the pain of his loss. For many, the loss of a beautiful voice, but more importantly, the loss of a beautiful person. We are all grieving.

In our grief, we look for answers, for reasons, and perhaps for blame. In the days that have passed since his death there has been a great deal of speculation and rumor put forward by the media and the Boston (band) fan base as to why he chose to end his life. Words have been taken out of context, statements have been misconstrued, and people have been hurt. People are looking for answers, and there are none to be had.

Bradley blamed no one, held no one accountable, for what was in his own heart. His music, his business, his relationships, these were the things that brought him joy. His sadness came from within; it was his own. He wanted no one to carry his burdens, in life or in death.

Bradley had the great gift of being able to love all and to understand all: his compassion for everyone he met was the essence of his soul. He would not want anyone to feel responsible for the path his life took.

I can only ask that we honor his memory, and his great legacy of compassion, and let him rest in the peace he so deserves, as we all begin to heal."

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