POWER QUEST Issue Post-Tour Wrap-Up

March 26, 2007, 17 years ago

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UK-based power metallers POWER QUEST have issued the following update:

"Power Quest have just returned from their first European Tour with ANGRA and FIREWIND. Hitting five countries in three weeks, their energetic stage presence and impressive technical prowess saw them stun audiences, many of them whom had not heard or seen Power Quest before. The recent change to a twin guitar attack and a tight five song set proved to be a killer combination."

Read more about the whole tour experience in the following interview by keyboardist Steve Williams.

Q: This was your first European tour, right? What countries were you visiting?

Williams: "Yeah, first time in Europe for Power Quest and we visited France, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain and Italy."

Q: So how was it in a nutshell?

Williams: "An incredible experience! Before the tour I was wondering how things might go, what it would be like etc but it was way better than I could possibly have hoped."

Q: Was any town or country outstanding for you and why?

Williams: "Tricky question! I think the crowds were a lot bigger in France and Italy but even in the smaller venues in Spain the fans made a lot of noise. Rome was probably the wildest crowd of the whole tour, closely followed by Bordeaux and Lyon. I have to say that I enjoyed every single show and it’s maybe unfair to pick out a few above others."

Q: Very often the curse of a support band lies in a lack of audience. People do not bother showing up before the 2nd band hits the stage. Was that any different on your tour?

Williams: "Of course, the classic problem! Yes, we noticed this at some venues, particularly when doors opened earlier than advertised which didn’t help matters. To be honest though the response of the various crowds to what we were doing was amazing. You have to accept your role when you are the opening act though which always means very short sound checks etc."

Q: How long did you rehearse before?

Williams: "We had no rehearsals at all before the tour where all five members were together. Given that this was the first time that Alessio had played guitar live with the band, it was a risk I guess but one that paid off well. We spoke with numerous people after the shows and they could not believe that we did rehearse. We always rehearse individually though, and very intensively too."

Q: You had to chose five songs out of your three albums, how did you do this? And did these songs represent the PQ range?

Williams: "It was always going to be tricky choosing the set for this tour. We wanted the set to be quite hard hitting in the main and obviously this meant leaving out some of the more commercial material and the ballads. I think the songs were the right ones for the occasion but we will be revamping the set list for the next live shows."

Q: Alessio played second guitar first time live, how was this received by the audience?

Williams: "I think it was pretty well received on the whole. I think there will always be people who prefer their front man to be “instrument free” but I really felt that the addition on the second guitar really made a difference to the sound, particularly on tracks like Neverworld."

Q: What happens when 12 people share a bus for three weeks?

Williams: "Well, contrary to what you might think, it was actually quite a comfortable existence for three weeks. The PQ entourage plus three of the Firewind guys all got on famously and as well as having a great time we also managed to keep the living environment pretty clean and tidy. A couple of the guys had bouts of illness on tour but luckily it didn’t spread to everyone else!"

Q: Best moment on tour?

Williams: "Best moment? Tricky…there were so many of them whether it was playing or meeting the fans after the shows. Perhaps the highlight was at the Milan show before Edu invited PQ and Firewind on stage to join Angra. He said that this had been the best tour ever as all three bands were like brothers and there were no problems at all."

Q: Worst moment on tour?

Williams: "I think I’ll keep that to myself for now! Hahaha!"

Q: Favourite song of the audience?

Williams: "I think Neverworld, Edge of Time and Find My Heaven got the best reaction from the fans. Neverworld especially went down well at the end of the set."

Q: Is there a downside on touring or is it all “Happy Rock’n Roll life”?

Williams: "I guess the downside is that you leave your family and loved ones behind. It can be a little bit odd when you have no idea really what day it is or where you are but I think that is all part of the fun of it personally. Sometimes not knowing where your next meal is coming from can be a bit stressful too!"

Q: How did you get on with the members of Firewind and Angra?

Williams: "Great guys! We all got on very well together and I think we made some great new friends. I spent a lot of time with Gus, Bob and Apollo from Firewind….and I look forward to catching up with them on their UK tour in April."

Q: Any future projects with them planned yet?

Williams: "Nothing concrete as yet, but a few things have been discussed already. More on that when it is confirmed!"

Q: When will be the next live event this year?

Williams: "At the moment the next scheduled live show is Bloodstock on September 1st. It’s been four years since we last played the festival so we are all looking forward to going back again."

Q: Any plans for another tour or what is your next step?

Williams: "The priority for the next few months will be focussing on the new album. Pre-production and recording. The material is written and now it is just a case of getting together and making it happen. Can’t wait!"

Q: Last but not least: what is so special about Power Quest, given the many competitors out there?

Williams: "For me, the special thing about Power Quest is that I get to play with some fantastic musicians who are also my very best friends as well. I think this really helps the band in the live environment and the fans can see it in the performances."

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