TERROR SYNDROME - Drummer RYAN VAN POEDEROOYEN Issues Update; New MP3 Online Next Week

March 28, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news terror syndrome ryan van poederooyen mp

DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND drummer Ryan van Poederooyen has issued the following TERROR SYNDROME update:

"Wassup' Everyone,

RVP (drummer) here from Terror Syndrome. Just wanted to update you all on what's going on with us and to answer some questions that we've received a ton of email on....

First of all, we plan on releasing another MP3 in the next week or so, some more heavy shit !!!! We're thinking about posting either 'When God Was Sober' or 'Thrill Pill'. Both songs are in our Medley #1 MP3, 'Sober' is the 2nd song in the Medley while 'Thrill Pill' is the 3rd and last song in the Medley. Have at 'er, listen to it and let us know which song you would like to hear more and we'll post it. We're always curious to see what people dig the most, so let us know !!!

One question we've been getting a lot of is if we have a CD for sale or when is it going to be done....

The answer is that we don't have a CD for sale yet. We are almost finished the mixing stage and started mastering a few songs already. We are planning on trying to get our debut album released for summer 2007. We are looking at our options as far as how we can release this and get it to all of you, this stage can take some time so there are no promises, but we will let you know when we get a confirmed idea done. This album is pretty sick, especially with all the cool guest appearances: Alex Skolnick (TESTAMENT), Trevor Dunn (MR. BUNGLE, FANTOMAS), Devin Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, DTB) and more....

Another big question is when are we playing shows ?

Just like the release of the CD, when that happens, the shows will start happening. At the moment there is way too much going on and everyone is really busy in Terror Syndrome. We'll post the news as soon as we know it's going to happen. We are working on a couple one off shows with some label touring acts that might happen, we'll keep you posted...

As for all the email/messages we've been getting.... first of all THANK YOU !!! We apologize if we can't personally get back to you guys all the time. We honestly try to but we are all extremely busy with the bullshit business side of things, it takes up a lot of time, so unfortunately, we can't return a lot of the messages. We have a fan who is pretty much running this page for us and is doing one hell of a job. All of us in TS check the site, read your comments, emails and try to answer your email as much as we can and we will continue to do that as much as we can. This is just a friendly reminder that we're all really busy with Terror Syndrome, session work, along with the other projects we're involved in and family life and all that other stuff. We appreciate your understanding..... cuz we do get a TON of emails and messages from you guys which totally rules ! Thanks to you all...

Lastly, thanks to all of you who are friends with TS, we really appreciate your support and are overwhelmed with the response you guys have shown to us within just a month of releasing our MP3's. You all FUCKIN' RULE !!!!!! Thanks so much and keep the feedback coming, we love hearing what you have to say and you're all genuine kick ass people.

Keep spreading the word about Terror Syndrome, it's growing fast and the better it gets the quicker things will happen !!!

Thanks for the support everyone, you all KICK MAJOR ASS !!!! "

All the best,

RVP and Terror Syndrome

To check out Terror Syndrome's work go to thier official MySpace Page.

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