STEVE VAI Issues Sound Current Update: "Excuse Me While I Go Swinging Through The Trees..."

March 29, 2007, 17 years ago

steve vai news riff notes

Guitarist Steve Vai has issued the following studio update on his latest project, Sound Current:

"I have to be more disciplined in writing these updates after a workday. So sorry to anyone who might be looking forward to them.

I have been compiling the mixes for the CD along with working with Mike Mesker on the art and with Ruta on the tour prep. I’m starting to get very excited about the tour.

Sometimes when I’m on tour I get these little rushes of joy. It has to do with performing, being with friends, traveling around the world and seeing different places and people, not to mention I usually get treated like royalty. Ahhh, just livin’ the life. There’s few things I get a bigger kick out of then walking off a tour bus in a different city everyday and just checking things out. You know, searching for a Starbucks or Whole Foods Market? These are the things that really excite me. The simple pleasures, ha.

I think that in my DNA, I was always meant to be traveling but when the tours start to wind down I’m usually ready to come home.

The actual act of sitting on a plane, tour bus or waiting around in an airport is very attractive me. It’s the only time I get to do nothing but listen to music, read or write something. And the best part is that I don’t even have a cell phone, Yay! The people that need to get in touch with me know how, otherwise I’m inaccessible. It’s sort of like hiding out.

Back to the studio…

My life is run by these little lists of things that I need to accomplish. Every night before bed I write a list of things that will be addressed the next day. This includes personal stuff too but on the work front, following is the list I wrote for myself to be completed in the next week. The list helps with the deadlines but can become a monkey on my back.

Final CD and DVD stereo mix:

-- Go to root sessions and consolidate any good audience pieces from all the shows
-- Mix down all stereo CD tracks
-- Create Master CD mix session, import loose audience, compile final CD’s
-- Send CD off to Sony for press.
-- Mix down in-between bits from DVD night
-- Create final DVD stereo and 5.1 mix Sessions
-- Import in-between bits and loose audio
-- Edit DVD and complete
-- Complete alternate solo’s for CD, if any
-- Create final CD with alternate solos, maybe
-- Set Mastering date
-- Work on credits and artwork
-- Escape with Pia to Mexico, detour through Tahoe with Pia and Fire

Excuse me while I go swinging through the trees..."

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