HEAVEN AND HELL DVD Shoot Cut Short By Union Issue

April 2, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news heaven and hell dvd

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Bruce Simon:

The BLACK SABBATH offshoot HEAVEN AND HELL shot a concert DVD at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Friday (March 30th). By all accounts, the band's performance was great, with some long-time fans calling it the group's best show ever, but things didn't go as smoothly behind the scenes as they could have.

Lead singer RONNIE JAMES DIO told us that New York City union issues reared up hours before the concert even began: "We didn't have enough time for a soundcheck because the union went, 'OK, time for a break.' 'But we've only done half a song.' 'Time for a break.' 'But we've got 15 minutes left.' 'We said, time for a break.' You know that way that goes. So, all in all, it was more difficult than it should have been - but it is a city show, and that's what you've gotta put up with."

There were plans to lengthen the setlist for Radio City, but having soundcheck cut meant the band couldn't properly rehearse. They were planning to add the new track 'Ear In The Wall', that's on the new album Black Sabbath: The Dio Years, which comes out tomorrow (Tuesday, April 3rd).

Heaven And Hell goes back out on the road beginning April 22nd in Phoenix.

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