JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing "Working Hard With The Guys On The Nostradamus Album"

April 3, 2007, 17 years ago

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JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing has issued the following update:

"Well, what an exciting month it’s been, and again I would like to thank everyone for entering the Steel Mill, both myself and the mill workers are very grateful for your tremendous response and feedback, so now we are supercharged to add more fuel to the furnaces. This month we have got some cool stuff happening so please be sure to check in to see our updates.

A few days ago I ran into a really cool guy and a great singer; it was BOB CATLEY. We had not seen each other since we last played on tour together. Of course I was eager to see if he would come to the Mill, he agreed so we will be having a cool feature with him. Check out his latest album Spirit Of Man, it is excellent, also MAGNUM have a brand new album ready to go, and as they are from the Black Country they are an essential ingredient to feature at the mill.

As you know I am working hard with the guys on the Nostradamus album but I will try my very best to answer all of your excellent questions, also I will try to get around to doing some guitar tabs for you."

A fan Q&A; session with Downing can be viewed here.

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