3 INCHES OF BLOOD On New Album Fire Up The Blades - "The Songs Were So Exciting And Fun To Record"

April 6, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news inches of blood

MTV.com spoke to 3 INCHES OF BLOOD singer Jamie Hooper recently about a number of topics including their new album,

Fire Up The Blades. The band started writing songs for the new album last fall at a house they rented in Tacoma, Washington. "We wanted to get away from Vancouver so we wouldn't be distracted by our drunken friends," Hooper said. "So we spent a few months there jamming eight hours a day and drinking even more than we would have back home."

The band entered Vancouver's the Armory and Mushroom Studios in October and spent two months tracking with producer and SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison. The oft-masked barbarian took a few turns at the drum kit and even recorded a few background chants.

"We were so stoked to find out he was a fan of our band," Hooper said. "We met him when we were on tour with SATYRICON and he was playing drums with them. And that's where we really got to know him. He's an amazing producer and an even better beer drinker."

Amazingly, the partying didn't impair the band's timing or ability to groove. And, while 3 Inches Of Blood have been known to argue with past members on previous occasions, this time they got along in the studio like frat brothers at a strip club. "The songs were so exciting and fun to record," Hooper said. "Nothing had to be forced and everything came out so easily."

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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