GENERAL SURGERY Split With Bassist, Announce Replacement

April 13, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news general surgery

Sweden's GENERAL SURGERY check in with the following band news:

"First off, some bad and good news for you. Dr Van Tuominen has decided to step down from the bassist position. Here's his own words on the matter: "I have decided to quit General Surgery due to personal reasons. I'm proud to have had the chance to play with one of the best death/grind bands around, and I will continue playing with Dr Carlsson in Nice Idiot."

We feel sorry to see Dr Van Tuominen go and wish him best of luck in the future.

His replacement will be a person not foreign to the vile ranks of GS and also a very able bassist: Dr Andreas Eriksson (also in SAYYADINA).

Dr Eriksson was with the band from 2002-2003 and played on (and recorded) the early splits we did with TCME, Machetazo and Filth. Rehearsals with Dr Eriksson will be underway soon and he will also participate on our next recording.

We have scheduled the recording of our part of the split with Butcher ABC for the last weekend of April, at Offbeat Studio again.We're going to record it mostly live in the studio so we hope to acheive an extra dirty sound this time.

Some song titles will include: Decedent Scarification Aesthetics, Antemortem Symphony no.9 and Deadhouse.

Last but not least we're confirmed for this year's installment of the Obscene Extreme Festival, on July 5th-7th. Hope to see a lot of you there as we plan to unleash a barrage of hits, both old and new.

More info on our spot on the running order as we get it."

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