Swedish Melodic Rockers WORK OF ART Recording Debut For Frontiers

April 13, 2007, 17 years ago

news work of art rock hard

Frontiers Records reports:

Yet another Swedish melodic rock band??? Yes indeed! Continuing a long tradition of fine melodic rock bands, WORK OF ART is the latest addition to the Swedish Melodic Rock scene.

Featuring singer Lars Säfsund, one of Sweden’s best kept secrets with Robert Säll on guitars and Herman Furin on drums, Work Of Art delivers a melodic, yet powerful rock music, based around Lars strong vocals. Influences from bands like TOTO, JOURNEY and GIANT can easily be spotted in the sound of the trio, which still has a very recognizable trademark.

Ranging from more up-tempo rockers like 'Why Do I?' to more radio friendly songs like 'Camelia', Work Of Art is hoping reach not only the traditional melodic rock fan but also to cross over to a wider and more radio based audience.

“Well, the best way to describe Work Of Art sound could be: heavily Toto inspired! Especially the Isolation period. In other words, guitar driven melodic rock with lots of harmonies, strong hooks with lots of keyboards as well!” says guitarist Robert Säll.

Work Of Art are now busy recording their debut album which promises to be ear candy for the AOR lovers.

Frontiers Records, upon hearing the material immediately decided to sign up the guys in real awe of the quality of the songs submitted! The label plans to release the album within the end of the year.

The Work Of Art demo tape can be heard in streaming at the band’s official myspace page: www.myspace.com/musicofworkofart .

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