D.A.D. Bassist Stig Pedersen Says They'll Be "Taking Chances" On Next Album

April 22, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard

Saviours Of Rock spoke to D.A.D. bassist Stig Pedersen recently about a number of topics. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Saviours Of Rock: First off – how are you guys and what's in the works for you at the moment?

Pedersen: "We just finished 14 tracks. now it´s time for a bunch of festivals. Hopefully new album in early 2008."

Saviours Of Rock: So how is it sounding so far?

Pedersen: "Well, we are taking some chances this time around. But I think it will be fantastic!"

Saviours Of Rock: It took a long time for the last one (Scare Yourself) to get out of Denmark; do you anticipate similar problems again?

Pedersen: "We are looking for a company to distribute the album. Unfortunately Sanctuary folded in Germany , so we will be needing a company to distribute the album. Anyone out there?? (laughs)"

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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