LOCH VOSTOK Singer Teddy Möller - "I’m In Thrash-Writing Mode Now"

April 22, 2007, 17 years ago

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Vocalist/guitarist Teddy Möller and keyboardist Fredrik Klingwall from Sweden's LOCH VOSTOK spoke to Metalraw.com recently about a number of topics including their work on a new album. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Metalraw.com: What plans does Loch Vostok for this year?

Fredrik: "We are doing some gigs and festivals this spring and summer, with Headway festival coming up in two weeks. We are also working on music and lyrics for the next album. We got a concept but wont reveal anything just yet..."

Metalraw.com: There’s a rumor that the group is already in the pre-production faze of the next album, is this true? What can you comment about this?

Fredrik: "As I mentioned, our plans involves recording the album this year... we are five-six songs into it already and Teddy's got a lot of material in the works. We are still working on the lyrical concept and will probably focus more on the musical side to go with the theme soon, as Teddy stated somewhere else, it is going to be totally false metal, the way only Vostok can deliver!"

Teddy: "Our plan is to record and release an album every year, we have so much material. I write at least a couple of minutes of music every fucking day. Writing is so easy, it just flows when you have the whole agenda of Loch Vostok as a base, you know, the whole “anything goes” thing, it really opens up the doors of inspiration. Just this week I’ve been listening a lot to VIOLATOR, a thrash band from Brazil that totally fucking kicks my ass!!!! So, of course I’m in thrash writing mode now."

Metalraw.com: How was the experience of working with the very accomplished musician Ron Jarzombek (WATCHTOWER, SPASTIC INK)?

Teddy: "I’ve been friends with Ron for years, I just asked him if he wanted to do a guest solo on our album and he accepted. The cool thing was, me and Niklas (Kupper - guitar) had already done all our solos, and then we got the solo from Ron, and it was the best guitar-solo we had ever heard!!! So, naturally, we had to write new solos and re-record them all, it took an extra week, but fuck, it was worth it. Just listening to Ron is so inspiring, I know I can never be as good as him, but if I reach just 1% of what he’s doing, I’m satisfied. I’m sure he’ll do another one for the next album if we ask him to. It’s fun having people guesting on the albums, you know, recording albums is a time-print of sorts, it’s catching you as you were at that time in life."

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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