TERROR SYNDROME - Drummer RYAN VAN POEDEROOYEN Reveals Tracklisting; New MP3 Available

April 23, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news terror syndrome ryan van poederooyen mp

DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND drummer Ryan Van Poederooyen has issued the following update:

"More Terror Syndrome stuff for you all in this update. Including the first Terror Syndrome review, thats right... a review and I know our album hasn't been released yet ! We also have the track titles for our full length album, which we'll let you all in on.

First of all, more music ! This will be the last MP3 we're going to put up for a while. The response from you fans has been fucking insane !!! You all kick major ass and we thank you indefinitely. We keep on getting emailed everyday for more music, so here it is.... 'Thrill Pill' is the song being put up today on our MySpace Page. This is a straight up, to the point, ass kicker of a song. Can you say 'Mosh-Pit'? We hope you dig it and can't wait to see see you guys fucking shit up in the pit to this tune in the near future.

We received our first review a couple weeks ago from Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles journalist Carl Begai. He had some select words to say about the Terror Syndrome music that has been posted on our My Space Page, pretty cool. We've posted the review at our MySpace Page so you all can check it out. Thanks to Carl for letting us know about it and saying some kick ass words about Terror Syndrome.

Here are the track titles for our full length album including the guest appearances and what songs they will be playing on. The exact song order for the album has not been decided yet but these will be the songs on the album :

'Stupidity For All', 'Revolving Horror', 'Thrill Pill', 'Riot Of Red' (featuring DARKANE, NON-HUMAN LEVEL guitarist Christofer Malmstrom - Darkane, Non-Human Level), 'When God Was Sober', 'Motionless', 'Rusty Trombone (featuring TESTAMENT, ALEX SKOLNICK TRIO guitarist Alex Skolnick and MR. BUNGLE, FANTOMAS bassit Trevor Dunn)

'One Crime Closer to Hell', 'Disposable Empire' (featuring SYL/FEAR FACTORY bassist Byron Stroud), 'For Your Amusement', 'My Next Victim', 'Spinning Backwards' (featuring Devin Townsend on guitar and ATTENTION DEFICIT bassist Michael Manring)

We're currently looking at our options on releasing the album and will keep you all posted when a decision has been made. The Terror will be ripping your face off soon in 2007 !!!

Now for some promoting... A drumming buddy of mine Dirk Verbeuren (SOILWORK, SCARVE) just recently contacted me and let me know about his new website he put up. It's kick ass ! This guy is one hell of a fucking drummer and I'm all about spreading the news about other talented drummers. Check it out www.dirkverbeuren.com it's a killer site for a killer dude ! If you need an awesome session guy in Europe, here's your man !!!

Lastly a musical recommendation. I just got back from seeing Peeping Tom for the first time at The Commodore Ballroom here in Vancouver. God Damn what a show and what a band. I'm a HUGE Mike Patton fan, I loved his work especially in Mr. Bungle/FAITH NO MORE and Peeping Tom is right up there in my books, they're debut album is amazing. The music is very original and probably his most accessible stuff since his Faith No More days and man is the band tight as hell live. Mike Patton is hands down the best front man I've ever seen live over the years, he's fucking awesome !!! So, if you haven't seen or heard Peeping Tom and you have an open mind to music, I highly recommend you check them out. Killer alternative music and a killer band live!"

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