NAKED BEGGARS - "Difference In Opinions" Reason For Firing Of CINDERELLA Guitarist Jeff LaBar

April 23, 2007, 17 years ago

news naked beggars rock hard cinderella

As previously reported, CINDERELLA guitarist Jeff LaBar sent BW&BK; a note yesterday (Sunday, April 22nd) regarding his firing from the band NAKED BEGGARS. Singer Inga Brittingham has sent the following message to BW&BK; scribe Mitch Lafon regarding the line-up change:

"We had a difference in opinions. The band will have a fill-in until we can finalize a replacement. We will continue to record 'XXX' and still hit the road. We will miss Jeff! He contributed many things to the band. In the end, it will be a good thing for Naked Beggars because when Cinderella hits the road, we will have a fill-in for Eric and still continue to tour! Eric (Brittingham - bass), Lisa (Rav - drums), Kris (Casemento - guitar) and myself all have made valuable contributions to the band. And as always, Eric will be producing the record. We may have also some guest appearances on the CD. As well, as some great names in the industry working with Eric on the CD."

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