SAVAGE CIRCUS Comment On Tour Cancellation

April 23, 2007, 17 years ago

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SAVAGE CIRCUS comment on the cancellation of the last days of the European Tour with CIRCLE II CIRCLE:

"Hi Everybody,

Unfortunatly our bass player (Yenz Leonhardt) is faced with a massive muscle contortion in his shoulder resulting from ongoing overtaxing during rehearsals and touring. Being in pain from the very first minute of the tour his condition worsened day by day and finally reached a point where he had to see a doctor specializing in sports injuries. In Milano Yenz wasn't able to move his head anymore... The Doctor called him off duty immediately and gave him 20 (in words: TWENTY!) painkiller shots in the neck and spine. Even though the doc forbid Yenz to even look at a bass guitar for at least a week, he decided to play that last show in Hamburg at the Ballroom.

But there was just no way in going on after this.

We are very sorry about this rather unexpected and unplanned end of our tour for SC, but there was nothing we could do. We are glad though, that Yenz's condition is a temporary one, so our ongoing and future plans are not in any danger. Also some of you may think, that Thomen has had some problems again. This fortunatly is not the case at all. In fact we all had a lot of fun on the road and grew together as a band even more. We are absolutly sure, that there will be another opportunity for all of you to see Savage Circus live on stage in the nearer future.

We send greetings and all our best wishes to CircleIICircle, Tomorrow's Eve, Tempesta and our great crew! Hope to see you guys all again soon!

All the best,

Savage Circus – Emilio, Jens, Piet, Thomen and Yenz ."

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