STRYPER Frontman's Wife Kyle: "My Lungs Are Clear, The Mystery Spots Are Gone..."

April 24, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard stryper

STRYPER frontman Michael Sweet's wife, Kyle, has issued the following update:

"Thank you once again, a million times over for your prayers! I got my CT Scan results back and they are quite amazing (are we surprised??) The wonderful news is that my lungs are clear, the mystery spots are gone. We will never know if they were a cancer or not because they were too small to biopsy. But we don't need to know the details when miracles are happening!

They also scanned my abdomen and found no cancer on any of my organs! There is a tumor on my liver they will continue to watch, but the radiologist is confident it is benign. There is still some "ascites" (peritoneal carcinomatosis) in my abdomen that the chemo should take care of. It is a fluid that collects in the abdomen for various reasons. In my case it is due to the cancer and contains malignant we will pray it away! There isn't alot, especially when you consider they removed 3 liters of it when I had my surgery! Yeah, I looked five months pregnant! LOL Okay...that's probably too much info!

I have my next chemo treatment Thursday. As you all know Michael is headed to Atlanta Saturday. As you also know the chemo hits me pretty hard so pray for us this weekend. Pray for travel mercies for the guys and for a calm spirit for Michael. It is going to be hard for him to leave during such a difficult time, but the commitment was made to do this show and it was for a good cause so, off he goes!

My red and white cell counts are lower than they should be after only 2 treatments. My doctors don't feel they need to intervene medically just yet. We are doing all we can to get them up with nutrition and exercise (what little I can do!) But I'll tell ya, I really get the cancer/fatigue issue. I am sharing this with you so you will be aware of it if anyone you know is going through chemo. It's crazy how weak you get, and I know I still have a long way to go.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life (Psalm 138:7) Our Lord has truly preserved my life, but I know he still has work to do in my soul. He does His best work when we are weak. The key is to be like Job (okay, really big shoes to fill!) No matter what assailed him, when all earthly hope lay dashed at his feet, he saw nothing but the hand of God. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble," literally means (in Hebrew) to go in the center of trouble! As we walk in the center of trouble, he preserves us. When the furnace is seven times hotter, he protects us. You may feel abandoned at the beginning, but you are NOT alone. Sometimes, and I know this is the case for me, we have to get to that point of complete and utter hopelessness before He can do that DEEP work He desires to do in us. We can be "good" Christians, yet still carry around so much junk, not have peace or joy in our hearts. My prayer for many years has been to have that "peace that passes all understanding." Has this affliction been an answer to my prayer? Did God take what was meant to destroy me and turn it into the means to bring me to that place of perfect peace? I'm not there yet, but far closer than I was several months ago, and it is exciting! I still have moments of fear and sadness when dealing with the realities of my disease. But then I find myself back to the place of trusting my Creator.

Fear not that the whirlwind will carry you hence, Nor wait for it's onslaught in breathless suspense, Nor shrink from the blight of the terrible hail, But pass through the edge to the heart of the tale, For there is a shelter, sunlighted and warm, And Faith sees her God through the eye of the storm.

The storm is your shelter from danger and sin, And God Himself takes you for safety within; The tempest with Him, passes into deep calm, And the roar of the winds is the sound of a psalm. Be glad and serene when the tempest clouds form; God smiles on His child in the eye of the storm.

Isn't that awesome? I don't know who wrote it so I can't give credit where it's due. All I know is it came from a book published around the turn of the century (1900.)

May God Bless you all and touch you with His love, grace and forgiveness, as you have touched my life with your love, prayers and concern.

Your big, mushed up ball of clay in the hands of the Potter, Kyle.

PS - Hopefully the vessel will begin to take shape soon :) ."

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