QUEEN Guitarist Brian May - Website Launched Dedicated To "Red Special" Guitars

April 25, 2007, 17 years ago

news queen riff notes

QUEEN guitarist Brian May's website has been updated with the following report from Rob Power:

A new website dedicated to Brian May's 'Red Special' guitars has been launched by House Music.

With a new range of replica Red Specials available through House Music, the site contains information about the range of guitars currently available, as well as a history of the fabled instrument and an endorsement from Queen's axeman.

"There have been a multitude of replicas of the Red Special built by amateurs and professionals," commented May. "I was concerned that it ought to be me who controlled the manufacture of these instruments, and that's why I teamed up with Barry Moorhouse of House Music and Peter Malandrone, my tech man."

Visit the new site at www.brianmayguitars.co.uk.

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