Former INTO ETERNITY Guitarist Rob Doherty Issues Update On FINAL DARKNESS Project

April 27, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news final darkness into eternity

Former INTO ETERNITY guitarist Rob Doherty has posted the following update at his MySpace page:

"Hello everyone!

Just a note to inform you all about the FINAL DARKNESS project,

This past week (vocalist) Clark (Brown, GZR/SYMATIC) has finished recording the vocals for the 4th song, and did he ever kill it... it has alot of awesome singing, growling and straight up kick ass melody, it is a lot of fun and we are having a blast doing this.

I want to reach out to all of you and say thx on our behalf because the letters and support for this project have been awesome!! Thx..

Also, I have music for 2 more songs finished and Clark will be starting another one next week we are shooting to have the CD fully written by June and then hit the studio to lay it out for real...

So thx once again Ragers well see you soon and remember to check out Natas Records ( and ask about Final Darkness."

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