DAVID LEE ROTH Guitarist Brian Young To Join TALISMAN For Farewell Tour Dates, Filling In For Fredrik Åkesson

April 30, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard david lee roth talisman

TALISMAN, featuring singer Jeff Scott Soto (JOURNEY, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, have issued the following update from Jeff:

"Well what's a farewell tour without a little drama? If it wasn't getting the timing on when all of us in the band we're available for this upcoming run, there was the task of convincing promoters we wouldn't pull the plug a 3rd time on them if we rebooked... well, it was close to happening again but I refused to let it.

Last week, our longtime guitarist Fredrik Åkesson informed us he would not be able to participate with us because of his obligations with the band he has been involved with. Understandable but a bit unprofessional of him to pull out 6 weeks before the tour begins. Our next option was to get our old pal and other former guitarist, Pontus Norgren, but he too is knee deep in commitment with his current band THE POODLES and was unable to join us. I thought this would be a bit silly in continuing forward without either one of them but I realised there are fans buying tickets, hotels & even flights to come see these shows, they are the ones who are the most put out so I came up with a solution I am very happy to announce into the fold.

My good friend from many a musical moment, guitarist Brian Young, will join us for the tour. Brian was part of the first band I started after my stint with Yngwie back in 1985 called L'AMOUR and we have done much together since. He played a solo on the first HUMAN CLAY album Marcel and I did back in 1996 as well played on a few solos for my Prism album. For the last 6 years, Brian has been and still is currently playing for DAVID LEE ROTH but I am proud to be borrowing him and introducing him to you on this tour... only he can learn all these songs in 3 weeks and blow you all away, trust me, you'll be impressed!!

See you all out there, Jamie, Marcel, I and now Brian look forward to a slamming farewell... until we meet again!!"

As previously reported, scheduled Talisman farewell tour dates include:


20 - Sheffield, UK - The Corporation (Support 'Crimes of Passion')
21 - Dudley, UK - JB's (Support 'Crimes of Passion)
24 - Greece
25 - Greece
27 - Belgium
29 - Hamburg, Germany - Headbangers Ballroom
31 - Madrid or Barcelona, Spain - at tba


1 - Spain, Barcelona or Madrid - at tba
2 - Spain, Bilbao - at tba
5 - Gran Canarias - at tba
8 - Sölvesborg, Sweden - Sweden Rock

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