THERAPY? - "Never Let It Be Said That Chaos Is Dead"

May 2, 2007, 17 years ago

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THERAPY? drummer Michael McKeegan has issued the following overview of the band's recent European tour:

"Back from our little jaunt during which we covered many km and encountered some of the most surreal escapades yet. The whole trip from London to France, to La Reunion then Austria right through the Balkans finishing up in Moscow was definitely the tour of a lifetime. Thankfully we took many pictures, shot hours of footage and once our brains have cooled down we?ll be writing up our diary notes. As a band that have toured as extensively as we have, it was amazing to experience so many new (and mental) situations. Never let it be said that chaos is dead!

One of the biggest realizations for me on this tour reinforced why I love rock and roll. Despite the chaos, violent security, deadly animals, lack of sleep, jet-lag, random timekeeping, fuck-ups, broken gear, inadequate PA?s, early stage times, 3:00am bedtimes, 5:00am wake-up calls, volcanic eruptions and all the rest you?ll read about in a bit. At the end of the day it?s all about the gig and the people who paid to came the gig.

The shows were brilliant, every night brought new vibes and fresh approaches to the songs and many, many thanks to all the great friendly, cool people we had the pleasure of meeting. It was their kindness and enthusiasm that made all the travel worthwhile and all the long hours waiting around fly by. Nice to see that so far from home people still have the same humor and lust for life that we have.

Ok, I'?m off for a lie down cuz these kind?'ve scars ain?'t gonna heal themselves."

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