KONKHRA - Re-Recording Begins Monday

May 3, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news konkhra

Earlier this week, KONKHRA vocalist/guitarist Anders Lundemark announed that the band ran into major technical difficulties during the recording of their new CD. Specifically, "the hardrive, which our new record is on is fucked. Apparently the backup disk has rewritten every file under ms-dos which means that the backup cannot be read from pro tools HD-3 which is how we will finish the record."

The following update has since been provided:

"Ok, we dont want to dish out six-grand and not be 100% sure that all files can be regenerated. If one hihat is missing in a song, it will a tremendous waste of resources. We would have to sit and wait for 10-12 days without knowing if everything will be there. The record consists of over 5000 files so the gamble is too big.

So what?

We will start re-recording everything from the beginning on Monday (May 7th), and as a friend put it: just look at the last seven months of work as a good lenghty pre-production. Plus, we get to record everything on the SSL instead of the Neotek, and we get to record with Protools HD-3 and the new Lynx converters which should sound four times as good. So in the end, we will probably get a better sounding record anyway. It is still the goal to get to The States to record leads with James (Murphy, guitarist) between May 17th and June 3rd. That means we have nine days to do the whole deal: plenty of time. So let's set a new deadline: new music on this site before August 1st."

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