May 4, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news alabama thunderpussy obituary

ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY has signed with booking agency Artists Worldwide and are preparing to tour The US with W.A.S.P. from July to September. Following that, ATP will embark on another road trip in the Fall with OBITUARY. Dates and venues have not yet been announced.

In other news, the video debut of 'Words Of The Dying

Man' on MTV2 Headbangers Ball will take place Saturday, May 19th at 10PM EST.

Also, Alabama Thunderpussy will join LAMB OF GOD on September 2nd for a hometown show in Richmond, VA at Toads.

As previously reported, ATP has posted their cover of the WHITESNAKE classic, 'In The Still Of The Night', on their MySpace page. Drummer Bryan Cox states, "'Still Of The Night' is a killer song by a legendary band, and we had a BLAST recording it. Check this thing out and raise a beer to Whitesnake!"

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