VREID - New Album Seeing Positive Reviews In Norway

May 12, 2007, 17 years ago

vreid news life in black

Norwegian black metallers VREID have issued the following update:

"Finally the album - I Krig (At War) - is out there, in Norway that is anyway. The rest of you have to wait until June the 4th. The response has been very satisfying. A lot of great feedback from you people, which is much appreciated.

This time it also seems that a brother horizon of the media is interested in our work. The album will be presented on National Radio tomorrow. Last week we did an interview with NTB (Norway’s main news agency), this has spread the word about the release to all Norwegian media. TV2 Nettavisen gave it 5/6 and stated that 'this is definitely the most positive surprising metal album this year.' Plan B, Eternal Terror and Scream magazine also gave I Krig 5/6, and Scream reports that 'this is an album full of classic black metal with an folkloric ambience,' while Norwegian major newspaper Aftenposten describes it as “a successful mix of poetries and musical rage, and states that 'you can sense the atmosphere of Norwegian nature in these songs.'

We will post more reviews and feedback as soon as we get them. In the meantime enjoy the album!"

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