DISFEAR Singer Tomas Lindberg On AT THE GATES - "It's Always Rewarding When People Cite You As An Influence"

May 12, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news disfear at the gates

As a part of Metal Injection's ongoing Maryland Death Fest coverage, the video on demand site has uploaded an interview with former AT THE GATES vocalist and current DISFEAR frontman, Tomas Linderberg. Tomas opened up about a bunch of topics including:

How the scene has changed since he first got into it:

"When we started out, the death metal scene was totally different, so much more like hardcore orientated, underground...thats why I like the hardcore scene more, cause it's how it used to be...guys hanging out, trading seven inches...you know."

How he feels about a lot of current bands citing At The Gates as an influence:

"I don't know. It's always rewarding when people cite you as an influence because it means they like your band, but sometimes, I just can't hear it. Not to mention any times, but a lot of bands say they are influenced by At the Gates, but I can't hear it. But, its good, I guess. The more people that get into heavy music, the better."

Tomas also goes into detail about bands he currently listens to, his current projects and much more. The entire interview, as well as a live clip can be seen on the Metal Injection Maryland Death Fest channel


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