May 13, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news terror syndrome ryan van poederooyen

THE DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND's drummer Ryan Van Poederooyen has issued the following update on his other band, TERROR SYNDROME

"I'm sure a lot of you know that Mike, Dave and I all play in the Devin Townsend Band as well. It's an amazing band and if you haven't heard of the DTB... check it out. I'm bringing this band up because Devin has decided to take an extended break from the DTB and STRAPPING YOUNG LAD to focus on his family life, produce and do some solo stuff on his own. This will definitely give Terror Syndrome the chance to do some really cool shit, we have the time and are going to push this metal juggernaut as far as it will go, who knows how far that could be, I get excited thinking about it !

So to answer the #1 question you all have been asking.... 'When is the Terror Syndrome album coming out?'

The answer to that question is that we are now actively shopping our album to various labels and listening to offers from labels at the moment and are looking to find a home for Terror Syndrome in the near future. Depending on the label we sign with, our album could come out this year or worst case scenario early 2008, either way we will get this out to you guys ASAP. We'll keep you posted when something happens. We have entertained releasing the album independently as well but that makes it tougher for us to tour extensively, it's still an option though. We have some awesome people working with us to help get this album out as soon as we possibly can.

Keep it heavy and more news to come soon..."

RVP - Terror Syndrome

Go to this location to check out Terror Syndrome audio samples.

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