RUN FOR COVER - A Tribute To RUSH Available

May 16, 2007, 17 years ago

news run for cover rock hard rush

Coinciding with the latest RUSH release is the release of a new Rush tribute album, Run For Cover, A Tribute To Rush. This is the fourth Rush tribute album released in the past decade or so (discounting the classical tributes), but what makes this one stand out is the fact that the members of the band RUN FOR COVER are key members of three different premier Rush Tribute bands: ARCHIVES, HEMISPHERES and LIMELIGHT. Accordingly, the songs are very well performed, nearly note perfect, as you would expect from musicians who have literally performed them countless times. In addition, they are also performed using the same instrumentation as the originals, down to the Minimoog, Rickenbacker 4003 bass, Gibson ES335 and Gibson Les Paul guitars; the end result is a that unlike most of the performances on the previous tribute albums, they are very faithful to the originals. One downside to this tribute album, like all of its predecessors, is the lack of anything from the Rush catalog newer than 1984. One wonders if venturing into the 90's and beyond is not safe territory for Rush tribute bands, or are those songs simply not as marketable for a tribute album?

Tracklist: 'Distant Early Warning', 'Tom Sawyer', 'New World Man', 'Freewill', 'Subdivisions', 'Limelight', 'Jacob's Ladder', 'Red Barchetta', 'Xanadu', 'The Trees', 'Natural Science'.

(Thanks Windows)

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