TUB RING - Check In From The Road

May 17, 2007, 17 years ago

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TUB RING check in from the road with an update Chicago's TUB RING, who are currently on the road in support of their debut album for the The End Records titled The Great Filter, sent an update from the road.

Writes bassist Trevor Erb: "Hello everyone, We're here in the lovely Philadelphia, PA, just a couple of weeks into our tour and things have been going quite well. Right now, we actually have Chris locked out our hotel room, with Jeff interrogating him through the door, and that's pretty exciting. So far we've managed to keep the keyboard casualties to a minimum, but there have been some close calls. There's been a bit of bloodshed over the past week, but...when in Rome. I don't think that really applies...but oh well. At any rate, the shows have been wonderful. Our CD release show in Chicago was unbelievable, and followed by a string of great shows in Michigan, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Canada (to name but a few). Speaking of which, our neighbors up North were extremely awesome to us, with the bearing of gifts such as absinthe, poutine and some great shows. We were also fortunate enough to bump into Stolen Babies during our stay in Canada. They stopped through Montreal and we had a chance to hang out with them after their show. They're a lot taller than I expected. There's too much fun to be had on tour, and with The Show is the Rainbow and Foxy Shazam in tow, every night is a fun little war party. We've still got a little under a month to go on this first leg, with scattered shows throughout June and July still showing up. So keep yourselves informed via the Tub Ring Myspace.

The Great Filtour is in full effect, with a different set-list every night, frequent appearances from the number 4 and enough sweat and blood to keep the towel and band-aid companies in business...you don't want to miss out when we roll through your town. We're looking forward to seeing you all very shortly. 4, Trevor"

The band is currently gearing up for a full North American tour in support of the new album. The dates (with FOXY SHAZAM and THE SHOW IS THE RAINBOW) are:


17 - The Lofi Social Club - Baltimore, MD
18 - The Silo - Reading, PA
19 - Hyperlink Cafe- Richmond, VA
20 - Club Relevant - Virginia Beach, VA
21 - Lucky's Pub - Wilmington, NC
23 - The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA
24 - Jackrabbits - Jacksonville, FL
26 - Club Flavour - Coconut Grove, FL
27 - State Theatre - St. Petersburg, FL
31 - The High Ground - Metarie, LA


1 - Javajazz - Houston, TX
2 - Rock Bottom - San Antonio, TX
21 - The Casbah - Ottumwa, IA
22 - Creepy Crawl - St. Louis, MO
23 - Rhino's - Bloomington, IN
24 - The Rutledge - Nashville, TN


6 - The Undergroud - Sandusky, OH

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