MÖTLEY CRÜE Bassist Nikki Sixx Says Heroin Diaries Soundtrack Will Be Completed Next Week

May 20, 2007, 17 years ago

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MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx has issued the following Heroin Diaries update:

"All 13 tunes are done. James (Michael) is just mixing the last few now and the album will be completly done next week. What a huge body of work we’ve pulled off. Were all proud to have this album under our wings. The band name is SIXX:A.M."

As previously reported, this Tuesday, May 22, Sixx and UGO.com will premiere the video for 'Life Is Beautiful'. This is the first single from The Heroin Diaries soundtrack, which hits stores on August 21. The Heroin Diaries CD is a precursor to Sixx’s autobiography of the same name, which arrives September 25. The album’s 12 tracks each match up with one chapter in the book; Life Is Beautiful can be streamed now from the book’s MySpace page.

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