OBITUARY - "It Took Us Over 20 Years To Get To Australia..."

May 23, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY have issued the following update:

"Unbelievable trip! It took us over 20 years to get to Australia, but we finally made it and had a great time. Thanks to all our Australian fans that came out to see us.

We got the extreme tour hitting four cities in four days, but Australia is a great place to be and we do plan to get back after the new CD comes out. Believe it or not we logged over 60 hours of flight time! Flight time!!! I am not even talking about hours in the airport, drive times or flight delays...I'm am talking about sitting on a plane for over 60 hours in our week long trip! Maybe that is why I feel like I was hit by a truck! Looking back it was probably too much too fast, but next time we will plan to spend more time and enjoy it a little more.

The shows were really great and I know our fans there waited a long time for this so it was nice to finally get down there.

We are moving along in the studio in between trips. It is actually kind of nice to walk away from it and then come back with a "clean" ear. Markie was busy doing all the editing stuff he can do without us around and now that we are back we can continue with more of the mixing. The good news is it looks like the release date is getting moved up! I am not positive, but I think it is now the end of August!!!

South America is up next. After that the schedule is cleaned up a little. I know I will be ready for some rest after the South American dates and we get this new CD finished. We will be back in Europe in July for the Waldrock Festival in Holland and I think we are gonna do a show in the UK while we are there. I will get you that date when I know it, but it should be around July 6th!"

Obituary live dates include:


5 - Teatro Teleton - Santiago, Chile
6 - The Roxy - Buenos Aires, Argentina
7 - Bar Opiniao - Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil
8 - Hangar 110 - Sao Paulo/SP, Brasil
9 - Lapa Multishow - Belo Horizonte, Brasil


7 - Waldrock Fesival - Holland

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