SOUTHERN CROSS Secure European Distribution For Rise Above; Pre-Production For Next Album Completed

May 28, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news southern cross

Quebec-based power metallers SOUTHERN CROSS have issued the following updates:

"You can now buy our Rise Above album directly from Thundering Records online store . The album will be distributed by Twilight Distribution in Germany and a release is planned for August 3rd, 2007."

Another message from the band reads: "Pre-production of next album completed...

Sorry for the long time without some news from Southern Cross. We were very busy working on the writing of our second album. We are very happy to announce that the pre-production has been completed! We are proud of the result and for sure you'll be ass-kicked by our new material.

We plan to enter the studio this summer for a release in late 2007 or beginning of 2008. More details to come!"

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