OFFICIUM TRISTE Part Ways With Guitarist

May 30, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news officium triste

Netherlands-based death metallers OFFICIUM TRISTE have issued the following update:

"We can tell that Johan (guitar) has left OFFICIUM TRISTE after 13 years of dedication. Johan has played his last show on May 26th when we presented the new album at Get Rhythm where we also rehearse. Johan came to this decision as he found it had become harder to combine work, personal life and the band. We wish him all the best in the future and Johan will always be part of Officium Triste, no matter what. Of course we started the search for a replacement, once Johan told us he wanted to quit. Fortunately we found a replacement pretty soon in Bram Bijlhout, who has been active in the band IMBOLC, amongst others, where he played guitar and shared the vocal duties. This summer we’ll make sure Bram is ready to hit the stages again as a tight unit."

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