ARMORED SAINT - Rock Hard Festival Photos Available

May 31, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news armored saint

ARMORED SAINT recently performed at the Rock Hard Festival in Germany. Check out some photos of their performance at this location.

Bassist Joey Vera recently spoke to Metal Asylum about the status of the band: "Right now not very much. As far as new music, we get asked that all the time, the thing is that I just had a baby last year as well and I’m just rearing my head again to do music, same thing with John and his thing with Anthrax has pretty much ended. So right now after having a baby he’s in no hurry to just back into the band and going back on the road. Its not to say he wont come back to do anything with music its just not the time right now to dedicate to something. And for us it’s a huge commitment to do the band thing so we have to be ready to do it full on. But I am getting the itch back to make music and do some touring. I mean there has been some loose writing but we haven’t said OK lets sit down and right the record."

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