BORN FROM PAIN Contemplating Extra Anniversary Show; Band Issue Vinyl Release Update

May 31, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news born from pain

Metal Blade Europe has issued the following update from BORN FROM PAIN...

"10 Years In 5 Days...

Holy Shit! Our anniversary sold out in 5 days! We are very happy that we have been able to sell out De Nieuwe Nor in such a quick time. We are happy that we are celebrating this in our hometown of Heerlen in front of a packed house. I am sure that everyone who has been able to get his/her hands on a ticket will have a great time with the bands on the bill. We did our best to present you the best line-up possible and do something special for this occasion. I think we succeeded. Besides the special fact that this show marks a decade of Born From Pain, sees the exclusive return of our friends in DRIFT and CRAWLSPACE and the appearance of our bro's in SUPERIOR and TERROR, this show will go down in history as Che's last show with us, so I am sure this will be one to remember! Like we already announced; expect a setlist of (a lot of) old and new stuff. Also, we will be filming the show for a possible future dvd release, so get fucking mental!

Extra Anniversary Show?...

Now, there might be a couple of tickets freeing up in the pre-sale process for the Anniversary show on the 29th of June, but it looks like that might only a few. Soooo,... due to the fact that we have received an enormous requests for tickets after our Anniversary show sold out, we are planning on possibly adding a second one on the day before, the 28th of June. We have Crawlspace already confirmed for this possible occasion, still working on completing another cool line-up for the thursday. Soooo... we need everyone who wants to appear at a possible Thursday show to send in a mail with a request for the amount of tickets right here: If they receive a serious amount of requests we can set up another show on the Thursday. Let's roll and do this!

BFP Vinyl Terror...

Alright people, Hollowman Records is still selling Born From Pain vinyl. They've got the In Love With The End and the War slabs of plastic for 12 euro each available or both for 20 euro. Get them while they're available!!! Order here: ORDER NOW!"

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